Back in the day, many young AM companies had their own robot. Ultimaker had one, 3D Hubs had one, and we had one too at Centrum Druku 3D (The 3D Printing Center).
For the first two and a half years, it was just a nameless element of our logo (I’ll explain why it was there in the first place in a moment). It wasn’t until 2015 that it received a name — Cedric. The name was a nod to our company name and also the abbreviation of our portal — CD3D.
Cedric played a significant role in the development of the Polish 3D printing industry. It was a symbol of Centrum Druku 3D web portal, and Centrum Druku 3D was one of the architects of the industry. But it was also the grand prize in the Polish 3D Printing Industry Awards — the first awards in the world recognizing the best companies, 3D printers, and personalities of the year.
Four years ago, on August 31, 2020, we said goodbye to him.
This was just after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, shortly after the lockdowns. Our company was undergoing a necessary transformation to adapt to the new times. Cedric became a casualty of those changes.
In a way, he became another victim of the pandemic.
Here’s his story…