(Stands up and claps)

The other day I was thinking the same thing while reading Josef Prusa's tweets criticizing Bambu Lab's latest moves. When did he invent something?

On the other hand, as Youtuber UncleJessy also commented in his latest video, Bambu Lab's moves are suspiciously similar to what happened with Makerbot years ago, who started with an open source philosophy, and when they were the "kings" of the market and their thirst for money got the better of them, they decided to forget about the open source philosophy and close everything.

I am a Bambu Lab user, among many other printers, and I sincerely hope that the story does not end like this.

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So what your saying is Prusa is almost the Apple of 3D Printing, taking other people's ideas, refining it and charging more for it? 😂 (I jest, I have a MK3S+MMU2 & MK4, they are the best printers I have used)

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That's a very far-reaching interpretation of what I wrote. I'm afraid it went so far that at some point it diverged from my original direction.

Apple is on the opposite side of the barricade from Prusa in the context of open-source. So, this comparison - even if we add the word "almost" - is off the mark.

I think the most appropriate statement would be that Prusa is Prusa. It has its own business model in the desktop 3D printing sector and its own position. And the article is about how it has excelled in developing other people's projects, turning them into something of a new quality.

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I was joking 🫶 (hence me saying "I jest")

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